The Man Of The Future

I guess all of the students of our IES, teachers and visitors have noticed the wall in the hall covered with several posters and a central huge human figure with the words The Man Of The Future.

Well, that is the final product of a project we have been developing in the different subjects included in our bilingual program. We chose The Man of the Future as a unifying topic to imagine how the future would be. As this topic is so ample and we have only six subjects we restricted it to invent new technological devices in Technology, to create a sport for the future in PE and to think about the form of government that might exist in History. Our PAVAE teacher drew the central figure. (PAVAE stands for Plastic, Audiovisual and  Visual Arts Education).

I just hope you have a look at it not just because you have taken part in its creation but because you find it interesting.

Garden Diary

Some months ago, we planted lettuces, endives, and onions. The first day we went to the garden with Teacher Agata, and everyone was helping to prepare the soil, and after that, we planted the lettuces, endives and onions that our teacher gave to us. Everything was perfect and our work was worth it. Every break we had to go to the garden. We watered the plants, and a lot of things.
Time passed and our lettuces, endives and onions grew up, and they were so beautiful. Everyone helped and after three or four months, we could collect all the lettuces and endives.
We got 16 lettuces Then. we sold them for 2€ each and we gave the money to the ”Asociación de Niños Contra el Cáncer”. We created the garden because this high-school wants to help the enviroment and ecologic products.
George-Emanuel Cristodorescu Dumitru (1º ESO A)
José Miguel Marcos Luque (1º ESO A)

Our First Harvest!

We have been working hard in our school orchard and we have got the first results, our first harvest.

I admit I am very proud of my students and their work developed there. We have learnt about farming and at the same time, we have had fun.


Besides, the vegetables cultivated are being sold and the money obtained is being donated to AECC, the association that tries to help people suffering from cancer.


I want to thank all the students invoved for your effort and work.
